The Palmer Motto

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

.So lonely.

Well, I am so emotional right now. Kent is gone for a week for TSU training in Tucson. I took him to the prison this morning so that he could get a ride with the other guys that were going down to the training. We left our house at 5:30 a.m. and got there at 6 a.m. I know that he needed to do this for TSU, so I will just be strong and make it work. I will miss him a ton and so will the girls. They love their daddy just as much as I do. Things will work out for the better I know. Hope that everyone had a great weekend. We did, we spent most of it with Gordon and Nicole (Kent's brother and sister-in-law), they brought their kids and our kids loved playing with Mya. We were able to meet Carly for the first time. She is such a cutie. I know that I will be able to see them at the end of the month for Carly's blessing. I am going to try to go down to the valley with the girls, Kent will not be able to go. Wish me luck. Have a great day!!!

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