The Palmer Motto

Monday, June 29, 2009


Kent likes to go to these shooting contests and he does very well. Saturday we went to one and he did very well. He got 17th out of 24 people. I am so proud of him. We took the kids and I stayed back away from the shooting line so that they would not get hurt.

The kids really liked to play in the dirt with all of the rocks. They had lots of fun. After we dropped Kent off to work we went and spent the rest of the day at nana's house. Thank-you mom for being there for us.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

.Change in plans.

It seems like we are always changing our plans. Kent's T.S.U. training was backed up a week so we are going to go ahead and move on the 7th of July. Plus that would give us a chance to attend the reunion and 4th of July festivities. I am glad that we chose to do that. Kent will be able to help me that whole day and we can take our time doing so. I would have loved to move in yesterday. But I know that I have to be patient at this time. I am glad to be moving and so is Kent. I would hate to leave my friends and family here in Clay Springs, but I know that we are doing what is best for our family. Thank-you to all of those who have chosen to be friends with us, we appreciate you and are glad to have your friendship. Hope we can visit soon. I will miss being able to talk with my long time friends, but it will be good for us to make new friends. I love to make new friends and yet still have the old friendships. We will miss it here.
Our kids have had a great time learning from the other kids and learning how to make friends. Everyone in Clay Springs always have opened their arms to us and made us feel welcome.
"When people share experiences together, and then they must part, there is a feeling of sadness. Saying goodbye to people that we feel connected to is an occasion of somber reflection. It is hard to imagine our lives without them, and yet we have no choice but to go on. It is comforting to know that for however long you will be separated that you will always be in each other's hearts. It is also an opportunity to be more present to others in your life and to look for opportunities to form new friendships."

Friday, June 26, 2009

.Belated Father's Day.

Kent was not able to be with us for Father's Day, he had to work. I really missed him.
We went and spent the day with my father in Springerville. The girls had lots of fun.
They were able to play with their cousin, Zurri, and their aunts and uncle and grandparents. It was a very nice day. here are some pictures of the girls riding my sisters horses.

I even went riding with my sister and it was quite nice and relaxing. I would love to do it again sometime. Thank-you Amanda, it was fun.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

.Moving so quickly.

We are moving On July 3rd instead of July 7th. I have taken the time out to schedule everything to where we can move next Friday. I am so stressed out on boxing, marking stuff and more boxing. I wish that things would just go the way I planned it, but you know as well as I do that nothing ever does. I know that my house is a mess because of the boxing and it is driving me nuts. I know that soon I will have a new and clean home. We are so excited for the move. The other day we went to Joseph City to set up some more stuff and sign papers and as soon as we drove up to the house Ashton said: " Look our big new house." She is excellent with her directions, sometimes I feel like when I get lost I should just ask her where to go. When we head to mom and dad's we usually ask her where to go and she tells us exactly where to go. I was watching her the other day while we were driving down the road and she was watching the things that passed by.
On Wed. Kent had the day off and he decided that we needed to go to Flagstaff while we were on that side of town. So we went and spent some time at the mall. As we drove into the mall parking lot, Ashton said: " What is that big house for?"
Kent: " It's a mall." Ashton: "What is that?" Me: "It's a really fun place to shop." Ashton: "Money?" Kent: "Money?" Me: "Yeah, Ash, this is where we spend money." Ashton: "Oh, okay."
They played in the play area. and it was nice to see them be a little more independent. Then we went to get some grub and the first thing Ashton said was: " Where is the horses?" She has a remarkable memory. She remembered the mall in Mesa had the carousel.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

.It's now or never.

Okay, so we are moving, but of course you all know that. There is a park about a block and a half from our new house. We decided to go there today after measuring the house for furniture. And this is what happened..........

.Daddy's little angel.

.Ashton's challenge.

.Piece of cake. (chocolate, to be specific.LOL)

We had to take Kimberlyn's shoes off, she got them muddy. She had a ton of fun with daddy. She is daddy's little angel. She loves him just as much as Ashton and I.

Monday, June 15, 2009

.Happy 3rd Birthday, Ashton.

This is her birthday face. Some happy face, right? LOL She is such a character. She would not smile for the love of money. I tried but this is all I got out of her today. :(

This picture was taken a couple of weeks after Ashton was born. You could tell how happy Kent and I were to be parents. Kent is a very good father, I could not ask for anything more.

June 15th, 2006, Ashton Kaye Palmer was born at Summit Health Care Center @ 3:08 a.m. She weighed in at 5lbs. 15oz. 18 inches long.
She is now a strong, sassy, and fun 3 year old. I love watching her grow each and every day. This picture was when she was 2 months old. I love her more than ever. I am so blessed to have her in my life.

Ashton loves to ride the horses at Nana Palmer's house. She loves pearl the most. Every time we get in the car to go to town she asks or more so, tells us that she wants to go to Nana, Papa and Pearl's house. She will never quit until she sees her Pearl and Nana, and Papa. Thank-you mom and dad for letting them get so attached to you guys. They love you tons, so do we.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

.Do I need to panic?.

I had a very eventful day today. I went and spent time with Kent, we went to a shooting contest in Holbrook and he did very well. One of our friends watched the girls while we spent some time together. It is always nice to spend some time together. I am so proud of him. Kent was going to stay down in Winslow tonight, because he has T.S.U training tomorrow. I will have to go get him tomorrow. Well when i got home I was going to give the girls a bath, they were dirty from playing outside all day, plus they really needed one. I was getting everything ready for them and Ashton had gone back to the back all by herself, then came back to the front and said that her throat was hurting. I suddenly could smell my perfume, I went to the back and she had taken some sips of my perfume. I smelled her breath and she for sure did. I called my mom and she gave me the number for poison control. I called them and they said that the only toxic I would have to worry about is the alcohol in the perfume. It is the same toxic found in beer and wine. I stopped worrying so much after talking to them. They called a couple of times making sure that she was okay. As far as we know she will be fine. Thank-you poison control. If you mother's do not have the number for poison control here you go: 1-800-222-1222 Those of you who have gone through this then you understand what is going on.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

.It comes once a year.

Okay, I would've liked to post pictures of Kent when he was a baby but I have not been able to get over to mom's to get the pictures I want, so I will have to do another post on him when I get the pictures. But here are some pictures of Kent in the past 4 years that I have known him. There is a picture of him when we were on a road trip, us with his parents and grandparents after Ashton was born, his awesome parents, our engagement picture, him in the snow when we lived in Heber,and him playing his video games. I love this man more than anything and so do his two beautiful children. I could not imagine life without him, he is the love of my life and my best friend. I know that he is that way because of his parents, so thank-you so much mom and dad for raising him the way you did. I know that the Lord has many trials for us to over come,but I know that with him I can make it through. Thank-you Kent for everything that you do for our family. Happy 32nd Birthday!!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

.The New Chapter Part I.

It is actually really nice. It is about 1200 sq. ft. and 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. It's also has a split floor plan. Now I will have room to relax, and the kids will have a bigger room for their new beds. I am so excited. We are going to start moving in after the 4th of July weekend is over. I will post pictures of it after I decorate it the way I want to. I that the girls really like it too. They kept running around in circles the first time we went to see it. Kent and I both think that it will be good for us and our little family.

Monday, June 8, 2009

.A New Chapter.

Well we are at it again. WE ARE MOVING. I think I have counted 4 times that we have moved in the past 4 years Kent and I have been married. I know it is horrible, but the place we will be moving to is much nicer than where we are at right now and we will be closer to Kent's work. I will miss all of my friends and family members that we were close to. Joseph City seems to be a really nice town as far as we know. Kent and I thought that we were going to get away from family for a change and guess what there are Brewers' and Palmers', so we seem to still have family, they are just distant family.
Oh, yeah and mark your calenders. Kent will be 32 years of age on Friday and Ashton will be 3 years of age a week from today. I love these two oh so much. I hope that they know how much that really is. Time is just flying right past me. It seems that just a few weeks ago Ashton was still in the womb. I love that little girl so much. I also love Kimberlyn just as much.
We are having a little party for Kent and Ashton on the 16th of June. So if you are in Snowflake at that time we are having Cake and Ice Cream @ the Pioneer Park around 12 p.m. So please feel free to come and join us.

Monday, June 1, 2009

.A day at the Palmer Salon.

Well I tried, and I think that I did a pretty good job myself. I told Kent that I really needed to go to school and get my cosmetology license. He totally agreed, it would save us the trip and money to the barber shop and the salon. Ashton was getting a lot of knots in her hair and it was always getting in her way so I decided that I could attempt to cut her hair, plus I would be able to help blend in the hair she cut herself. I think I did an okay job. Kimberlyn decided that she needed it done too, so I just cut her bangs and she was satisfied with me doing that. Ashton cried the whole time I was cutting her hair, she loves her hair. After I was through with both of them they both went and got dresses on and were much happier than before.