The Palmer Motto

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

.He is back.

Well Kent is back. He got back Monday night at 7 p.m. We are so glad to have him home safe and sound. He said that he had a good time, he learned a lot of things that will benefit him in the near future. I am so proud of him, he is doing so well at his current job.
Potty training is going, just not as I planned. I am trying but they seem to keep making accidents, I am washing underwear ever single day and my patience is running really low. Kim is the one who is making the most mistakes. I am trying, it seems that it will never end.
Well, one of my really good friends had her baby this morning at 5:20 a.m. by c-section. She went to work as an OB Tech., and ended up a patient instead. I am so happy for her and her hubby. They named him Kyson Rayleigh Butler he weighed in at 6 lbs. 3oz. and was 19 inches long. This is their first baby and they will do well. She will be a good mommy, and her hubby will make a good daddy.
Our pregnancy is going well. We have a doctor's appointment in the morning at 9:50 a.m. in Show Low. We are going with Dr. Tindall. We have so many good things about him so we decided to try him out on this pregnancy. I am not as sick anymore. I have also felt the baby move a lot lately. I know that other people probably won't feel it until later on, but since it is inside of me I can feel it more than anyone else. We will keep you on update to what is going on with our family.
Have a great one!!!

1 comment:

kayleen said...

I am glad you're feeling better!